Precision springs for high technological industrial applications
Molle Industriali
conte s.r.l.
Molle Industriali Conte s.r.l., founded in 1953, produces high precision springs for each tecnologically advanced industry sector.
The experience achieved in decades of activity united to the high quality of the used raw materials guarantees safety and reliability of our components. Since ever the main objective of our company is the maintenance of the equipment always on top of the business sector. Huge and constant investments together with a knowledge of more than 50 years and a clear capacity of choice among the facilities available at the industrial market allow us to keep our production and quality potentialities
always at the highest achievable level in order to be able to offer to our customers products whose quality cannot be exceeded by the business competitors in Italy and worldwide. This company policy is the same since its foundation and well known and appreciated by our customers which ,receiving our goods, have the certainty to use products meeting all the requested caracteristics.
Our contact addresses
in Europe
Strada Cebrosa 22/A, 10036 - Settimo torinese (TO) Italy
Representative office in Germany
Mainzer Straße 36, 55411 Bingen am Rhein - Germany
La qualità dei prodotti del Mollificio Conte
The quality of our components is assured during the process as well as during the final tests by skilled people equiped with facilities as for example charge cells from 1/100 gram up to 5000 kg, each of them computer connected for the data management, gauges and digital micrometers, profile projectors, magnifiers, P/NP swabs.
Prima della spedizione viene redatto un Certificato di Qualità e Conformità attestante la conformità del prodotto ai requisiti del Cliente
Le informazioni per la tracciabilità e la rintracciabilità del prodotto sono gestite tramite un sistema gestionale personalizzato.
Model 231 and ethic code
The legislative decree n°231/2001 has introduced in the juridical Italian order the principle of «management responsibility» of the companies with duty to respond to certain committed crimes in the own interest or of advantage of the administrators or employees. MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE SRL, sensitive to the need to assure correct and transparent conditions in conducting the company activities and in order to prevent and manage the risk of occurence of wrongdoing has adopted a model for organization, management and control.
The model represents a valid instrument of awareness of all those who operate in the name and on behalf of MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE SRL, so that correct and linear behaviours in doing their own activities and prevention of risk of commission of crimes foreseen by this decree are assured.
For this purpose MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE SRL has particularly adopted: - the organization, management and control model (“ Modello “) which foresees procedures and protocols which have to be respected of the whole company staff and of all other subjects collaborating with MOLLE INDUSTRIALI CONTE ; - the “Ethic code”,in which we find the ethic principles and the “business company ethics”.
The Model has been adopted by the Management , active from December ,23°, 2015 and is periodically modified in order to adapt to new crime figures as law updates and in order to respond to organization changes.